Joining a data startup

Picture of Gianluca Uberti

Technology trends that have had the most impact on business have typically started with a drive in infrastructure. I started my career in 2005, during the rise of data and server virtualisation, which alongside network connectivity, laid the foundation for the next generation of technology consumption: cloud computing. This in turn has paved the way to the SaaS revolution and has built the foundations for the future - AI.

Having spent the last five years leading teams in the cloud native space, I observed an extremely broad cohort of customers, seeing the challenges that they faced and a wealth of opportunities for technology disruption. Companies were making substantial investments in the cloud, DevOps, CI/CD and automation to offload undifferentiated heavy lifting of operating infrastructure, in order to focus on the core of their business - their unique differentiators.

During this time, cloud native working has enabled a digital native business model, disrupting traditional businesses and establishing the platform economy. Digital native businesses from Amazon to Ocado and Stripe are ideally positioned to capitalise on opportunities to grow their existing customer base by leveraging the data that they have available to them. The amount of data processed by digital native companies far exceeds that of their traditional peers.

Traditional companies face numerous challenges when competing with digital natives. A digital business has all its data in one place, from its own and third party services. They can run an immeasurable amount of predictive models, enabling management to see what customers want, influencing not only the execution, but also the direction of the company. Traditional companies have not been able to compete. Data will drive the next evolution, not infrastructure.

It is because of this realisation that no longer will infrastructure be the primary drive for business forwards, rather data itself, that I am excited to announce that I’ve joined, the Series A startup which provides the first intelligent data cloud, so that every organisation can be data enabled and monetise its data.

kleene’s vision is what first attracted me. Seeing the technology in action and spending time with the team only confirmed my decision. It quickly became clear that it wasn’t just kleene’s vision with which I aligned, but the company's culture and values too. The team is built on making decisions based on data, with a focus on intelligence and transparency. I am proud to play a part in building the next generation of data enablement focused on machine-learning, to accelerate the time to value from data, for all businesses.

I couldn’t be more excited about the future we are building at kleene. As VP of Revenue, I am thrilled at the opportunity and marriage of collective experiences to lead their go-to-market organisation. Spoiler alert - we’re hiring - check out our careers page.

The kleene intelligent data cloud is the fastest route to putting your business data into productive use. By automating the aggregation of siloed but valuable data, into a centralised repository, kleene builds data pipelines using machine learning built using the expertise of our industry experts to accelerate the transformation of your data.

Want to find out more? Get in touch!

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